

Aim of the reconstruction is to get a picture of how the industries at Övre Hammaren looked like during the first half of the 19th century. As no pictures exist from this time, a multitude of sources are used for a (virtual) reconstruction. For generation of the reconstruction the ray-tracing software PovRay is used, which allows by means of entering coordinates an mathematical formulae to render pictures of Övre Hammaren from different perspectives.

Fire Insurance Documents

Under number 7886 a fire insurance policy for Dömle Burk year 1809 is preserved. The document describes the buildings belonging to Dömle Övre Hammare in great detail (dimensions,foundation, number of windows, interiors, machinery), moreover some information of the location of the buildings is given.

Fire Insurance 1809

Excpert from fire insurance policy (translated)

ells distance from No. 5, built
year 1796 from coarse fur timber co-
vered and coated with fur board and in
good condition, is length 28 and wide
[... 19 and high 6 ells...]


As the site still today shows distinct sings from the former industries, even where the house were demolished a long time ago, the exact locations of some of the buildings can still be identified, as is the case with the shores of Dömle älven and the former waterfall. Measurements are then used to enter the building's locations and the terrain coordinates into the computer model.

Older Pictures

There exist a few photographs and paintings from the beginning of the 20th century showning Dömle Övre Hammare. Moreover, there are some historic maps from about 1800 and 1880

Elin Axelsson: Övre Hammaren, ca. 1930

Water color by Elin Axelsson ca. 1930.

Karta Dömle 1883

Reconstruction of the same perspective. Still work to be done...

Övre Hammaren, ca. 1910

Photograph ca. 1910


Reconstruction of the photograph. It's not trivial to find the right camera placement.

Material from other historic Industries

For reconstruction of building details material from other industries can be used.

New Perspectives

The reconstruction give unique possibilities. Its e.g. possible to show the location from any conceivable perspective or to generate animated sequences.

View from the small bridge

Vue from north, standing on the bridge over the reservoir. The right picture shows approximately the same view today.

Approximateley the same view

More Pictures